Project MARCH's sixth team consists of 26 students from Delft University of Technology, all of whom are committed full-time for a year. As a dedicated student team, we are working towards improving the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury by developing an innovative and functioning exoskeleton that meets the usage needs of people with spinal cord injury within a year. To improve exoskeleton technology, we share knowledge gained, inspire others and present our results at an event.

As a dedicated student team, we are working towards improving the quality of life of people with spinal cord injury by developing an innovative and functioning exoskeleton that meets the usage needs of people with spinal cord injury within a year. To improve exoskeleton technology, we share knowledge gained, inspire others and present our results at an event.

Members of MARCH 6:

Francesca Kessler, Eva van Houwelingen, Martiene Ubbens, Dani van de Pol, Julie Blijdenstein, Merel Hoogma, Puck Noorlag, Patrick de Groot, Sander Hoving, Savanne Klop, Sebastiaan de Leeuw, Marsha Kamsteeg, Martine van den Boogaart, Floor Heijs, Wolf Nederpel, Lukas Bannink, Mart Haarman, Robbert Friendwijk, Jeffrey Bouman, Jory Edelman, Herbert van Even, Maarten ten Voorde, Thijs Veen, Thijs Raymakers, Bas Volkers, Katja Schmahl


